Submitted by Steve Fewell
Store Y (a pointer to the end of the Subroutine Name) in &39.
Load the first character of the subroutine call (from (&37-&38) offset 1).
If the character is 'PROC-token' then jump to &808D with Y = #&F6.
If the character is 'FN-token' then jump to &808D with Y = #&F8.
The PROCedure lookup table is located at &04F6-&04F7 & the FuNction lookup table is located at &04F8-&04F9.
Routine &808D will return with the address (in &2A-&2B) of the variable (at &37-&38) where Y
points to the lookup table offset.
If A contains zero after the &808D routine has finished, then the subroutine name was not found.
8075 | 9 | 132 057 | 84 39 | STY &39 |
8077 | 160 001 | A0 01 | LDY#&01 | |
8079 | 7 | 177 055 | B1 37 | LDA (&37),Y |
807B | 160 246 | A0 F6 | LDY#&F6 | |
807D | 201 242 | C9 F2 | CMP#&F2 | |
807F | 240 012 | F0 0C | BEQ 12 --> &808D Get address of Variable (where Y points to the page &4 lookup table offset) | |
8081 | 160 248 | A0 F8 | LDY#&F8 | |
8083 | 128 008 | 80 08 | BRA 8 --> &808D Get address of Variable (where Y points to the page &4 lookup table offset) |