Submitted by Steve Fewell
Set X to the current value of the REPEAT level (location &24).
If the current REPEAT level is greater than or equal to #&14 (20) then issue 'Too many REPEATs' error, as a maximum
of 20 REPEATs can be nested.
Call routine &9BBC to add the BASIC text pointer A offset (&0A) to the BASIC text pointer A base (&0B-&0C),
and reset the BASIC text pointer A offset to 1.
Store the current Program location (&0B-&0C) on the REPEAT start address stack (&0500-&0527), where the
MSB of the current program location (&0C) is stored at &0514 + X (where X is the current REPEAT level) and LSB of
the current program location (&0B) is stored at &0500 + X (where X is the current REPEAT level).
Increment &24 (the REPEAT level) to increase the number of nested REPEAT statements.
Jump to &900B to continue executing the program from the next statement after the REPEAT keyword.
BA58 | $ | 166 036 | A6 24 | LDX &24 |
BA5A | 224 020 | E0 14 | CPX#&14 | |
BA5C | 176 167 | B0 A7 | BCS -89 --> &BA05 Too many REPEATs error | |
BA5E | 032 188 155 | 20 BC 9B | JSR &9BBC Update BASIC Text pointer A (Add offset value & then reset offset to 1) | |
BA61 | 165 011 | A5 0B | LDA &0B | |
BA63 | 157 000 005 | 9D 00 05 | STA &0500,X | |
BA66 | 165 012 | A5 0C | LDA &0C | |
BA68 | 157 020 005 | 9D 14 05 | STA &0514,X | |
BA6B | $ | 230 036 | E6 24 | INC &24 |
BA6D | L | 076 011 144 | 4C 0B 90 | JMP &900B Process next BASIC program statement |