21. Press space-bar to continue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are various ways of doing this. The first method looks at the keyboard buffer, so if the Space-bar has been pressed just before the message, it will carry straight on. If this is a problem, then either use the second variant with the *FX21,0 buffer clear command, or use the third version. This will still cause a Space to enter the keyboard buffer, so this is cleared with *FX21,0 to avoid problems later. Although written as Procedures, they don't have to be. Call them with PROCspace. 1000 DEFPROCspace:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:ENDPROC 1000 DEFPROCspace:*FX21,0 1010 REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:ENDPROC 1000 DEFPROCspace:REPEAT UNTIL INKEY(-99):*FX21,0 1010 ENDPROC