46. Extra-large printing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a demonstration program which creates attractive enlarged characters very simply. It makes use of a look-up table in the 1.20 Operating System ROM, which the machine normally uses in Modes 0 to 6. This particular example uses the table to create attractive block characters in teletext Mode 7. You could modify this for inclusion into your own programs, to create special headings. This is based on ideas from "Acorn User" and "Micro Programmer". 10 MODE7:E%=144:REPEAT:PRINT"Press a Key...":A%=&C000+8*(GET-32) 20 E%=145+(E%-144)MOD7:FORB%=A%TOA%+7:C%=?B% 30 PRINTCHR$(E%)CHR$(154);:FORD%=7TO0STEP-1 40 IF(2^D%ANDC%)THENPRINTCHR$(255);ELSEPRINT" "; 50 NEXT:PRINT:NEXT:UNTILFALSE