51. Reverse colour text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is useful to be able to print certain words in reverse colours, ie. black on white. This is very easy on a Commodore or Sinclair, but not so easy on the BBC micro. Here are two sets of Functions to achieve this; the first pair is for Mode 7 only, and the second pair is for all other Modes. Note that in Mode 7 there are unavoidable spaces just before and after the lettering, which is actually blue on white. Also, you must use FNrevr again on each new line, but these problems do not arise in the other Modes. The second pair of Functions is used like Procedures, hence the rather odd looking :="" purely to satisfy the syntax. 10 PRINT "NORMAL" FNrevr "REVERSE" FNnorm "NORMAL":END 20 DEF FNrevr:=CHR$(135)+CHR$(157)+CHR$(132):REM Mode 7 only 30 DEF FNnorm:=CHR$(135)+CHR$(32)+CHR$(156) 20 DEF FNrevr:COLOUR 0:COLOUR 135:="":REM Modes 0 to 6 30 DEF FNnorm:COLOUR 7:COLOUR 128:=""