70. Caps lock and shift lock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use the keyboard with the off, then you have to press to get upper-case letters. As an alternative, you can hold down , press and release , and then release . You will now find that you will get upper-case normally, but lower-case if you hold . The effect is cancelled by pressing or . This can also be achieved from within a program with *FX202,160 , normal is *FX202,32 , normal Shift Lock is *FX202,16 , and no lock at all is *FX202,48 . You should really follow these calls with *FX118 , to make sure the keyboard LEDs change, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. *FX202,160 - Reverse Caps Lock *FX202,48 - No Lock at all *FX202,32 - Normal Caps Lock *FX202,16 - Normal Shift Lock