139. Wordwise-plus paging hints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three things occurred to Richard Hare after the group meeting in July 1986, when Wordwise-Plus was discussed, and here they are:- 1. "Somebody said he wasted the first sheet of tractor-feed paper every time he used his Epson printer. This can be avoided if you pull the scale-bar towards you and only let it go back onto the paper after the first few lines have been printed. Better still, if the individual texts are short enough to allow quite a large top space, you can start printing with the perforation line along the top of the scale-bar ready for tear-off; use a top space of zero (TS0) and the first line of printing will come at line 6 in the case of an Epson FX80. Use HP0 if you are using a header, and TS4; the text will then start four lines below the header. Use BS10 and that will give you an actual bottom space of 4. Footers should be at FP2 or FP3; if the FP number is greater than 4 the footer will be beyond the perforation, at the top of the next page." 2. "Somebody else mentioned that to get the paper to the start of the next page, when one text has been printed, he uses the operating control code for form-feed, OC12. That is fine, but if you are using a footer it will not be printed on the last page of your text. If you have a footer you should finish with a green BP, with no white afterwards and no carriage return. This will effectively do a form-feed at the end of the text and print the footer. If you press do or after the green BP it will line-feed the number of lines in your top-space for the next page as well, and the header will be printed at the top. This is not desirable." 3. "If you are defining the character strings while using WORDWISE-PLUS remember that it is fatal to define F$. F$ is used in the program, and if you try to use it yourself you will screw the whole thing up!"