10 REM ***** FCDEF ***** 20 MODE7:VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 30 PRINTTAB(0,1)CHR$(132)CHR$(157)CHR$(131)CHR$(141)"Fighter Command - D E F E A T" 40 PRINTTAB(0,2)CHR$(132)CHR$(157)CHR$(131)CHR$(141)"Fighter Command - D E F E A T"'' 50 PRINT"…You have been defeated by the might of" 60 PRINT"…the German Luftwaffe. LONDON has been" 70 PRINT"…devastated. You have not done very" 80 PRINT"…well have you?"' 90 PRINT"You have scored ‡";0;TAB(23,10)"BONUS" 100 PRINT"ƒYou shot down ‡";B%;TAB(23,11)"ƒBombers" 110 PRINT"ƒYou shot down ‡";E%;TAB(23,12)"ƒEscorts" 120 PRINT"‚You lost ‡";F%;TAB(23,13)"‚Fighters" 130 PRINT"†LONDON was bombed by‡";L%;"†Bombers"' 140 PRINTCHR$(131)CHR$(157)CHR$(129)CHR$(141)"Total points scored = ";((B%*20)+(E%*30))-((F%*50)+(L%*10)) 150 PRINTCHR$(131)CHR$(157)CHR$(129)CHR$(141)"Total points scored = ";((B%*20)+(E%*30))-((F%*50)+(L%*10)) 160 PRINT''"„Do try to do better. Play again (Y/N)?" 170 A$=GET$ 180 IFA$="Y"THENCHAIN"FC" 190 IFA$<>"N"THEN170 200 PRINT"ƒC O W A R D !!!!" 210 END