10 REM MAKEDIC 20 REM Make new dictionary file 30 REM for B/B+/E/M/C (with discs) 40 REM by Alan Blundell 50 REM (c) 1989 60 : 70 CLS 80 PRINT "Are you SURE you want to create a" 90 PRINT "dictionary?" 100 PRINT '"ANY EXISTING DICTIONARY WILL BE DELETED" 110 INPUT '"Type YES to continue : "check$ 120 IF check$<>"YES" CHAIN "Spell" 130 PRINT '"Creating new dictionary .. "; 140 DIM index% 211 150 pointer%=256 160 RESTORE 170 FOR letter%=0 TO 25 180 READ size% 190 size%=size%*256 200 index%!(letter%*8)=pointer% 210 index%!(letter%*8+4)=0 220 pointer%=pointer%+size% 230 NEXT 240 index%!(letter%*8)=pointer% 250 OSCLI("SAVE Diction "+STR$~index%+" +D4") 260 handle%=OPENUP("Diction") 270 PTR #handle%=pointer% 280 CLOSE #handle% 290 CHAIN "Spell" 300 : 310 REM Size of dictionary space for each letter 320 REM (units of 256 bytes) 330 DATA 14,12,22,16,10,12,8,8,8,2,2,8 340 DATA 4,4,4,22,2,12,28,8,2,4,6,1,1,1