10 REM RECURSION TRIANGLE 20 REM BY 30 REM Ian T. Roxborough (ELITE) 40 REM 50 : 60 REM Lines 80 - 90 The quardinates of the corners of the triangles. 70 : 80 DIM XP(3):DIM YP(3) 90 XP(1)=0:YP(1)=1023:XP(2)=1279:YP(2)=1023:XP(3)=640:YP(3)=0 100 MODE0 110 : 120 REM Lines 130 - 190 Choose a corner of triangle at randon and move half way to it. REPEAT this UNTIL the space bar is pressed. 130 : 140 REPEAT 150 C=RND(3) 160 gcX=((gcX-XP(C))/2)+XP(C) 170 gcY=((gcY-YP(C))/2)+YP(C) 180 MOVE gcX,gcY:DRAW gcX,gcY 190 UNTIL INKEY-99 200 END 210 : 220 REM XP(C) and YP(C) are the quardinates of the corners of the triangle. 230 REM gcY and gcX are the quardinates of the graphics cursor. 1000 : 1010 : 1020 : 1030 : 1040 REM This programme was written to demostrate how simple fractals really 1050 REM are. It is possible to compact this procgramme into as little as 1060 REM two lines. 1070 : 1080 REM Please note that this pragramme is my own work. It is based on the 1090 REM recursion triangle from one of the Equanox series. 1100 : 1110 REM To ALL PROGRAMMERS why don't YOU start using REM statments 1120 REM (that is if don't already) to explain your programme, so that 1130 REM other programmers can interpret your work of art at a glance.