10 REM >TelProb 20 REM by Steven Flintham 30 REM 40 REM Demonstrate the problem with combining single and double height text 50 REM 60 REM Monday 7th September 1992 70 : 80 MODE 7 90 VDU 23;8202;0;0;0; 100 PROCdisable 110 PROCinit 120 PROCdemonstrate 130 MODE 7 140 PROCenable 150 END 160 : 170 DEF PROCdisable 180 *FX229,1 190 *FX4,2 200 ENDPROC 210 : 220 DEF PROCenable 230 *FX229,0 240 *FX4,0 250 ENDPROC 260 : 270 DEF PROCinit 280 ON ERROR MODE 7:REPORT:PRINT " at line ";ERL:PROCenable:END 290 ENDPROC 300 : 310 DEF PROCdemonstrate 320 PROCproblem_demo 330 PRINTTAB(0,0);"Vers. 1.00";TAB(32,0);CHR$135;"(C) SGF" 340 PRINTTAB(0,3);"This shows the style of combined heading"; 350 PRINT "which works. The important point is that"; 360 PRINT "the single height text is on the same" 370 PRINT "line as the TOP of the double height" 380 PRINT "text." 390 PROCspace 400 CLS 410 PROCproblem_demo 420 PRINTTAB(0,1);"Vers. 1.00";TAB(32,1);CHR$135;"(C) SGF" 430 PRINTTAB(0,3);"This shows that the same style does not" 440 PRINT "work if the single height text is on the"; 450 PRINT "same line as the bottom half of the" 460 PRINT "double height text. Examination of the" 470 PRINT "program will show that the text is still"; 480 PRINT "being printed, even though it does not" 490 PRINT "appear." 500 PROCspace 510 ENDPROC 520 : 530 DEF PROCspace 540 PRINTTAB(6,24);CHR$131;"Press SPACE to continue..."; 550 *FX21 560 REPEAT UNTIL GET=32 570 ENDPROC 580 : 590 DEF PROCproblem_demo 600 PRINTTAB(10,0);CHR$141;CHR$132;CHR$157;CHR$131;"Problem Demo ";CHR$156;CHR$140; 610 PRINTTAB(10,1);CHR$141;CHR$132;CHR$157;CHR$131;"Problem Demo ";CHR$156;CHR$140; 620 ENDPROC