USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. Short utilities program. Short utilities program. John Carpenter (53B) sent in 10 very short utilities and an instruction file I have joined all the utilities together into one program to save filenames on the DFS version of this issue. How to use these instructions. How to use these instructions. You may find it useful to print out this instruction file using the print out option from the software menu. You can then read the info as you examine the program. The text is written by John Carpenter. After each routine name I have added a pair of line numbers. These numbers are the first and last line numbers of that routine in the program "utils". To experiment with each of the routines load in "utils", delete all the lines before the first number and all the lines after the second number. For example. To examine the CHECK routine type: LOAD "utils" DELETE 0,190 DELETE 280,2000 You can then read the associated paragraph in the instructions to see what that particular routine will do. Instructions for "Utils". Instructions for "Utils". By John Carpenter. All these basic programs are little routines that I find quite useful. FNcase(A$) 10]190 By me. This converts (eg) "hElLo" into "HELLO",(ie into upper case). PROCcheck(z$) 200]270 By Gary Davies (I THINK!) This is quite useful. What it will do is check a string for another string. EG check P$ to see if it contains A$. INSTRUCTIONS!!..first create Z$ (eg Z$="HELLO") then..if you want to check it for a$ type PROCcheck(a$) and it creates a variable check$. If Z$ contains a$ then check$=a$ otherwise check$=Z$ PROCcon 300]350 By me This is very simple indeed and is just a PROCcon (turns cursor on) and PROCcoff (turns cursor off) PROCesccode 400]580 By Chris Reeve Is for online use only and contains a rough list of all escape codes.. PROCfkeys 600]640 By me This makes F0 : solid block F2 : double height F3 : single height F6 : black background F7 : new background. FNinput(length%) 700]820 By Gary Davies This is similar to the usual INPUT basic command except you can specify a length for the string.. eg a$=FNinput(10) It will allow you to input a 10 chararacter maximum into "a$". FNlen(len$,len%) 900]960 By me This is useful!! Try : a$=FNlen(10) This would make LEN(a$) if a$ was "HELLO" it would make it: "HELLO " and if a$="1234567890123" it would make a$="1234567890" is quite useful for storing things into a datafile.. I often use it with FNinput. FNpassword(length%) 1000]1090 By Gary Davies Similar to the above except it is used to input a password. It is entered as *s instead of normal characters. You can use it like: IF FNpassword(10)="PASSWORD" THEN.etc.. PROCreturn 1100]1180 By me Is just a fancy way of "PRESS RETURN"ing.. PROCmoveto(xpos%,ypos%) 1200]1280 By Gary Davies This does a PRINTTAB. To use it: PROCTAB(x,y) Which moves the cursor to co-ordinates (x,y). This is useful because you can use it online (ie with a modem because PRINTTAB doesn't work like that..!!) PROCwrite`text(file%,string$) 1300]1370 By Gary Davies This is a text file display procedure (like DISPLAY).. Editor: This procedure writes a string to an already opened file.