USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. AMXVIEW AMXVIEW The program AMXVIEW allows you to display AMX Pagemaker/Stop Press cutouts without loading or having Pagemaker. It will load a cutout anywhere on screen, if the cutout goes off the screen it will wrap round the other side. AMX cutouts are stored in directory C, to which the program defaults, a sample cutout ARBEIT (taken from the BBC-03 disc in the TBI pool), is on the disc for you to try. Run the program enter the filename, enter the X character position 0 to 79, then enter the Y character position 0 to 255, the cutout will then load. The program was taken from the AMX Extra! Extra! Stop Press Utilities package and may be freely distributed or used in any software for any purpose, commercial or personal.