10 REM OSCLI 20 REM WANTED. A 'Basic interrupt' routine to enable 30 REM the keyboard buffer ('im) to be dumped at the 40 REM desired point in the program 50 REM (C) Program & lyrics DP-J 1Jun93 3PM 60 : 70 *K.8V.14|ML.|M 80 *K.9RUN|M 90 MODE0 100 VDU19,1,0,0,0,0,19,0,7,0; 110 CLS 120 : 130 PRINTTAB(6,1)"ORDER...ORDER....hhHORR..DER..!!" 140 PRINTTAB(44)"A one act opera entitled":PRINT'TAB(46)"WEERA TEL'ARTE OSCLI" 150 PRINT'TAB(40)"Cast: Me, Me, the late 'im, and CHORUS" 160 PRINTTAB(46)"of the Ramsbottom Opera Society" 170 PRINTTAB(40)"Producer: C. Listin." 175 PRINTTAB(50)"Milano 1 giugno 1993 a 3PM" 180 : 190 PRINT'" Voices stage left:" 200 : 210 REM Cast: in hhHORR..DER of non-appearance :- 220 : 230 PRINT'" (piano gentile)"TAB(30)"Me: 'Reet?..A'ter me'" 240 PRINT'" (clamore aggressivo)"TAB(29)"'im:":i$="'im:'Nay, b****r off a'm fost'":PROCim:REM 30 chars max 250 PRINT'" (fortissimo irritabile)"TAB(30)"Me: 'Nath'art BLOODY NOT..!!'" 260 PRINT''" ('im promptu)"TAB(20)"CHORUS: 'Weer arte...Weer arte...Weer.a.tel arte......." 270 : 280 PRINT''" (pronto e furioso)"TAB(30)"**{ CURTAIN }**" 290 PRINT''" Exit patrons to bar shouting .....OSCLI OSCLI...una pinta dell'Oscli.....'" 300 PRINT'TAB(28)""; 310 END 320 : 330 DEF PROCim 340 FORi=1TOLENi$ 350 char$=MID$(i$,i,1) 360 OSCLI"FX138,0,"+STR$(ASC(char$)) 370 NEXT 380 OSCLI"FX138,0,13" 390 ENDPROC