10 DEFFNS="PDrv" 20 MODE0 30 PROCa 40 PRINT"EPSON Compatible Printer Driver by C.J.Richardson." 50 PRINT'"The function keys are now programmed to turn print styles on and off." 60 PRINT"Function key turns style on. Function key + SHIFT turns style off." 70 PRINT'" Shows as on off" 80 PRINT'"f0=Double height Œ – " 90 PRINT"f1=Superscript  — " 100 PRINT"f2=Italics Ž ˜ " 110 PRINT"f3=Undeline  ™ " 120 PRINT"f4=Expanded  š " 130 PRINT"f5=Compressed ‘ › " 140 PRINT"f6=Emphasised ’ œ " 150 PRINT"f7=Correspondence Quality “  " 160 PRINT"f8=Reversed ” ž " 170 PRINT'"You can mix these styles" 180 PRINT"Place the codes in print statements." 190 PRINT"The codes show on the screen but are not printed out." 200 PRINT"Try it now. Type something like:" 210 PRINT''"VDU2:PRINT""ŒTHIS IS DOUBLE HEIGHT. Notice the `.–Ž Now this is italics."":VDU3" 220 PRINT''"You can incorporate PROCa from this program into your own programs." 230 PRINT"Then just put the codes into the PRINT statements as in the example above." 240 PRINT'"The program PdrSTR will print out a function key strip for you." 250 END 260 DEFPROCa:IF ?&22B<&80 ENDPROC 270 IF PAGE<>&1C00:PAGE=&1C00:CHAIN"PDrv" 280 OSCLI"FX20,1" 290 X%=&90:Y%=0:A%=10:FORl%=140TO149:?&90=l%-92:CALL&FFF1:VDU23,l%,255-?&91,255-?&92,255-?&93,255-?&94,255-?&95,255-?&96,255-?&97,255-?&98,23,l%+10,?&91,?&92,?&93,?&94,?&95,?&96,?&97,255:NEXT:REM SET CODES TO RECOGNISABLE 300 OSCLI"FX225 140":OSCLI"*FX226 150":OSCLI"*FX227 160":REM SET F KEYS 310 FORL=0TO2STEP2:P%=PAGE-&100 320 [OPTL:SEI:LDA&22A:STA u+1:LDA&22B:STA u+2:LDA#t MOD256:STA&22A:LDA#t DIV256:STA&22B:CLI:RTS 330 .t:CPX#3:BEQ v 340 .u:JMP&0000 350 .y:LDA#27:JSRs:LDA#82:JSRs:LDA#3:JSRs:LDA#35:JMPs 360 .z:LDA#27:JSRs:LDA#82:JSRs:LDA#0:JSRs:LDA#35:JMPs 370 .v:CMP#96:BEQy:CMP#35:BEQz:CMP#140:BCSw:JMPs:.w:CMP#160:BCC x:JMPs:.x:PHA:LDA#27:JSRs:PLA 380 CMP#140:BNEa:LDA#104 390 .a:CMP#150:BNEb:LDA#117 400 .b:CMP#141:BNEc:LDA#83:JSRs:LDA#0 410 .c:CMP#151:BNEe:LDA#84 420 .e:CMP#142:BNEf:LDA#52 430 .f:CMP#152:BNEg:LDA#53 440 .g:CMP#143:BNEh:LDA#45:JSRs:LDA#1 450 .h:CMP#153:BNEi:LDA#45:JSRs:LDA#0 460 .i:CMP#144:BNEj:LDA#14 470 .j:CMP#154:BNEk:LDA#20 480 .k:CMP#145:BNEl:LDA#15 490 .l:CMP#155:BNEm:LDA#18 500 .m:CMP#146:BNEn:LDA#69 510 .n:CMP#156:BNEo:LDA#70 520 .o:CMP#147:BNEp:LDA#120:JSRs:LDA#1 530 .p:CMP#157:BNEq:LDA#120:JSRs:LDA#0 540 .q:CMP#148:BNEr:LDA#72:JSRs:LDA#27:JSRs:LDA#114 550 .r:CMP#158:BNEs:LDA#116 560 .s:JSRu:PHP:CLI:NOP:NOP:PLP:BCSs:RTS 570 ]:NEXT:CALL PAGE-&100:ENDPROC