10 MODE0 20 PRINT"Put 4 Mode 0 screens into 1 and save back to disc." 30 PRINT"By C.J.Richardson for 8-Bit Software." 40 PRINT"Insert the four screen names into the data statements" 50 PRINT"at the end of this program. Put the save name for the" 60 PRINT"finished screen in the last DATA statement. Then RUN" 70 PRINT"this program and wait."''"PRESS A KEY" 80 REPEATUNTILGET 90 DEFFNS="Shrink" 100 CLS 110 REPEAT 120 P%=0 130 READS%,A$ 140 IF A$="END":READ Name$:OSCLI"SA. "+Name$+" 3000 8000":END 150 F%=OPENIN A$ 160 FORY%=1TO16 170 FORX%=1TO40 180 PROCg 190 PTR#F%=PTR#F%+&278 200 PROCg 210 PTR#F%=PTR#F%-&278 220 NEXT 230 P%=P%+320:IF Y%<>16:PTR#F%=PTR#F%+&280 240 NEXT 250 CLOSE#F% 260 UNTILA$="END" 270 END 280 DEFPROCget_byte 290 A%=BGET#F% 300 IF A%>127 A%=A%-128:T%=128 ELSE T%=0 310 IF A%-32>-1 A%=A%-32:T%=T%+64 320 IF A%-8>-1 A%=A%-8:T%=T%+32 330 IF A%-2>-1 A%=A%-2:T%=T%+16 340 PTR#F%=PTR#F%+7 350 A%=BGET#F% 360 IF A%>127 A%=A%-128:T%=T%+8 370 IF A%-32>-1 A%=A%-32:T%=T%+4 380 IF A%-8>-1 A%=A%-8:T%=T%+2 390 IF A%-2>-1 A%=A%-2:T%=T%+1 400 PTR#F%=PTR#F%-7 410 ENDPROC 420 DEFPROCg 430 FORL%=1TO4 440 PROCget_byte 450 ?(P%+S%)=T% 460 P%=P%+1 470 M%=M%+1 480 NEXT 490 ENDPROC 500 DATA &3000 510 DATA Screen name 1 here 520 DATA &3140 530 DATA Screen name 2 here 540 DATA &5800 550 DATA Screen name 3 here 560 DATA &5940 570 DATA Screen name 4 here 580 DATA 0,END 590 DATA Save name here