USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. 8-Bit Software 8-Bit Software Issue 34 Program Documentation. Issue 34 Program Documentation. Program Memory Games By W.Brederode Use Educational Pairs Games. L1M has sent us this collection of 13 programs. These pairs games are ideally for two players but a single player can also use the games. There are three levels of difficulty. Take it in turns to turn over the cards. If you find a pair, take another turn. Each level has a card designer. Full info in each program. The suite runs from a main menu. Due to the number of files the suite is in an archive called MemArc (DFS version of this issue). To de-archive the programs please read the following section. Program ARC By Andrew Black Use De-archive/Archive Copy the archived file onto a fresh disc. CHAIN "ARC" Press 0 then RETURN (assuming program is in drive 0). Press D then RETURN to decompress. Type the archived file name. press RETURN. Wait a few minutes. Press N then RETURN. Pairs game: Type CHAIN"Menu" Joining Computers examples: Chain each of the six programs. Press BREAK Press BREAK