10 REM 'FINDEM' 20 REM Program for finding deleted files 30 ON ERROR PROCerror:END 40 MODE7 50 DIM block% 12 :REM data block for disk operations 60 : 70 REM Change the beep 80 *FX213,30 90 *FX214,1 100 : 110 PRINT CHR$(141);" DELETED FILE FINDER" 120 PRINT CHR$(141);" DELETED FILE FINDER" 130 PRINT''"Write-Protection advised for disk." 140 VDU28,0,24,39,6,12,15,3 150 Flag=0 160 : 170 INPUT'"What is the disk title? "title$ 180 REPEAT:*FX15,0 190 INPUT TAB(0,4);"Please enter drive number (0 to 3) [0x08] [0x08] [0x07] "drive% 200 UNTIL drive%>-1 AND drive%<4 210 : 220 REPEAT:*FX15,0 230 INPUT TAB(0,7);"Do you want a printed output? (Y/N) [0x08] [0x08] [0x07] "Print$ 240 PR=INSTR("YyNn",Print$) 250 UNTIL PR>0:CLS 260 IF PR<3 VDU2 ELSE VDU14 270 PRINT'" Disc: ";title$;TAB(24)"Drive: ";drive% 280 : 290 REM Load disk catalogue to &0900 300 R%=1 :REM sector 1 310 PROCread_disk(R%) 320 : 330 REM Find beginning of file entries 340 A%=?&0905:B%=&0904+A% 350 Newsector=2 :REM First file should begin at sector 2 360 Calcsector=(B%?2 AND &3)*&100+B%?3 :REM Calculate sector number 370 IF Newsector<>Calcsector PROCreport 380 IF A%=8 GOTO 420 390 REPEAT 400 PROCcheck :REM See PROCcheck 410 UNTIL B%=&090C 420 IF Flag=0 PRINT''"There are no unlisted files on this"'"drive" 430 : 440 REM Calculate highest sector used plus one 450 R%=(B%?2/&10 AND &3)*256+(B%?1)+ABS(?B%>0)+(B%?2 AND &3)*256+(B%?3) 460 PROCtop(R%) :REM See PROCtop 470 VDU3 480 : 490 PRINT''"Do you want to check another drive(Y/N)":VDU7 500 repeat$=GET$ 510 IF repeat$="Y" OR repeat$="y" RUN ELSE PRINT''"Thank you" 520 END 530 : 540 DEF PROCcheck :REM Checking disk catalogue looking for gaps 550 Calcsector=(B%?2/&10 AND &3)*256+(B%?1)+ABS(?B%>0)+(B%?2 AND &3)*256+(B%?3) 560 C%=B%-6 570 Newsector=(?C% AND &3)*&100+C%?1 580 IF Calcsector<>Newsector PROCreport 590 B%=B%-8 600 ENDPROC 610 : 620 DEFPROCread_disk(R%) :REM Load disk sector R% to &0900 630 ?block%=drive% 640 block%!1=&0900 650 block%?5=3 :REM number of command parameters 660 block%?6=&53 :REM 'Read' command byte 670 block%?7=R% DIV 10 :REM Track No. 680 block%?8=R% MOD 10 :REM Sector No. 690 block%?9=&21 :REM one block of 256 bytes 700 A%=&7F :REM Read/write operation required 710 X%=block% MOD 256 :REM Tells disk controller- 720 Y%=block% DIV 256 :REM the address of block% 730 CALL&FFF1 :REM call disk operation 740 ENDPROC 750 : 760 DEF PROCreport 770 IF Flag=0 PRINT'"Uncatalogued files are as follows:":PRINT''"From Sector";TAB(14)"To Sector";TAB(26)"No. of Sectors":Flag=1 780 PRINTTAB(5);Calcsector;TAB(17);Newsector-1;TAB(31);Newsector-Calcsector 790 ENDPROC 800 : 810 DEF PROCtop(R%) :REM checking area of disk beyond catalogue entries 820 PROCread_disk(R%) :REM load next sector after last listed file 830 FOR byte%=&0900 TO &09FF :REM check for presence of data 840 IF ?byte%<>&E5 PRINT'"Advise checking sector ";R%;" for data":byte%=&09FF 850 NEXT 860 ENDPROC 870 : 880 DEF PROCerror 890 CLOSE#0 900 REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL 910 ENDPROC