10 REM Basic>Text file converter 20 REM Will not work with GOTO/GOSUB!!! 30 REM Sorry only works with Elk/BBC (at te moment) 40 MODE7 50 *. 60 REPEAT 70 INPUT"Filename of BASIC program:"A$ 80 A%=OPENINA$ 90 UNTILA%<>0 100 S%=EXT#A% 110 CLOSE#A% 120 INPUT"Save text file as:"D$ 130 loc=PAGE+&400 140 OSCLI"LOAD "+A$+" "+STR$~loc 150 OSCLI"SPOOL "+D$ 160 PRINT"*BASIC"+CHR$13+"AUTO"; 170 FORX=loc TOloc+S% 180 IF?X=13VDU13:X=X+3:NEXT ELSEA%=?X:CALL&B50E:NEXT ELSENEXT 190 *SPOOL