D6G Sprow 999 Aform ID Last time,Gary Scott was faced with a "Bad machine type" error when running the Aform program from the Master Welcome disk on a BBC upgraded with 1770 controller and ADFS. The reason why you receive the "Bad machine type" error is because there is a check routine in the program that issues OSbyte 0 (read OS major version),which on a BBC returns 1,but on a Master returns 3.This value is hard coded into the MOS ROM,so cannot be altered. To get around it you'll need to alter the Aform program for the BBC,or to intercept the OSbyte vector and fiddle the answer returned in X. To do this type at he BASIC prompt *LOAD Aform 2FB3 ?&3EFC=1 *SAVE BBCVER FF2FB3 +1630 FF2FB3 This will result in the file BBCVER which will work with the major issue 1.xx MOS. Note it will only work if the copy of Aform is V1.30/C - the same as I have, and if the hardware is mapped into the same place as on a Master.I cannot guarantee this,as I don't have a model B with me,here at university. The "OSType" program on this issue disk solves the Aform problem by a more generic approach _ altering the osbyte call to the OS and fiddling the result. It is configured to return OS3.xx and INKEY(-256)=253 and resides in the page &C00.This will allow BBC B users to simulate a Master 128.If these values or this location is not suitable,send your address;`2.50;and a piece of paper with your requirements on and I'll return a disk with a custom version on disk for you. You can download the most recent version of the software from my web page along with some other programs I have submitted to past issues,which have since been improved/rewritten. Web page www.york.ac.uk/~rps102/bbc/bbc.htm Or 8BSmail me on D6G Email rps102@york.ac.uk Write to 6 Bollinbrook road, MACCLEFIELD, Cheshire. SK10 3DJ. Robert Sprowson ("Sprow") D6G Sprow 999 Patches and RPS files To add to the series of patches that I have sent (all fitting into less than a page,&C00) I have written yet another. This month's corrects a bug in BASIC II that means indenting of FOR...NEXT and REPEAT...UNTIL loops doesn't work properly if the LISTO bits are set, To try,type in (noting the spaces) 10FORx=1TO99 20PRINT"HELLO" 30PRINT"TO" 40PRINT"YOU" 50REPEAT 60PRINT"DUMMY LOOP" 70UNTIL0 80PRINT"AND ONE MORE" 90NEXT Listing this normally will appear as above,but try LISTO7 (indent loops and lines option).The closing NEXT and UNTIL0 will be left indented,not pulled back in,as it should be. This bug has been fixed on BASIC IV for the Master,but can be fixed for earlier versions by *RUNning LISTFIX. Use LISTO7 again,and breath a sigh of relief - it's proper! Note that due to tight space,the interception of OSWCVector is not as complete as the QUIDFIX program the other month.Hence,don't send obscure control sequences if possible - it will have undefined effects. For those of you with internet access, be it at work or home,you can download the most recent version of my software from my webpage. All the titles are ones submitted to past issues,which have since been improved/rewritten. The files are RPS encoded (hmm,RPS are my initials - a coincidence??) so that even if you donwload some machine code for the BBC on a PC,the load and exec addresses can be restored. The idea is explained more on my web page,along with the required decoders. Web page www.york.ac.uk/~rps102/bbc/bbc.htm Robert Sprowson ("Sprow")