0 REM"pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Basic System Version 2 DFS Disc Utility by Andrew York in 1996 pppppppppppppppppppppppppp [0x07] [0x15] 1 :REMH [0x0C] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x15] [0x03] 2 *FX255,207 3 $&927="DFS Disc Utility By A.M.York, 1996 ":*FX200,1 4 CLS:PRINT"Downloading Basic System Please wait";:A=0:REPEAT:A=A+1:UNTIL A=100:*FX18 5 VDU21:*K.0DELETE0,9|MRUN|M 6 IFPAGE<&1501 GOTO 8 7 *K.0 FOR A%=0 TO(TOP-PAGE)STEP4:A%!&1500=A%!PAGE:NEXT|MPAGE=&1500|MOLD|MDELETE0,9|MRUN|M 8 *FX138,0,128 9 ENDREMEND [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x05] :REM Basic System Version 3 20 REM DFS Utility 30 REM By Andrew York 40 REM In 1996 Protected Version [0x15] 1 :REM"Protected Version! [0x15] 1 :VDU6:VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;0;:*FX18 70 IF $&927 ="" THEN PROCexit 80 VDU22,7:*FX200,1 90 ONERROR IF ERR=17 THEN SOUND1,20,90,1:CLOSE#0:VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;0;:RUN ELSE VDU7:PROCerror:END 100 PROCmenu 110 REPEAT:A$=GET$:IF A$="1" THEN PROCformat 140 IF A$="2" THEN PROCverify 150 IF A$="3" THEN PROCtitle 160 IF A$="4" THEN PROCdelete 170 IF A$="5" THEN PROClock 180 IF A$="6" THEN PROCbuild 190 IF A$="7" OR A$="*" THEN PROCos 191 IF A$="8" THEN PROCinfo 192 UNTIL FALSE:END:REMDIVPROTECTED STILL [0x15] 1 210 DEFPROCmenu:ONERROR IF ERR=17 THEN SOUND1,20,90,1:CLOSE#0:VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;0;:RUN ELSE VDU7:PROCerror:END 220 CLS:VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;0;:*FX4,1 230 *FX200,0 240 PRINT" Basic System ";:PRINT" Basic System ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" "; 290 PRINT" 1. Format disc ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" 2. Verify disc ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" 3. Make a title "; 340 PRINT" ";:PRINT" 4. Delete files ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" 5. Lock/Unlock files ";:PRINT" "; 390 PRINT" 6. Build !BOOT file ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" 7. OS Command ";:PRINT" ";:PRINT" 8. Information on files";:PRINT 450 PRINT" ";:PRINT'" "; :PRINT"";$&927"";:VDU28,0,21,30,20 :ENDPROC 510 DEFPROCflash(Y):VDU26:SOUND1,20,90,1:PRINTTAB(7,Y);CHR$(129);CHR$(136):ENDPROC 540 DEFPROCformat:PROCflash(5) :VDU28,0,21,30,20 :PROCdrive :PROCscreen("Formatting"):PRINT:*FX200,1 590 command$="ENABLE":PROCcommand:command$="FORM80 "+drive$:PROCcommand:PROCspace:RUN:ENDPROC 700 DEFPROCdrive:VDU28,0,21,30,20 :REPEAT:CLS:PRINT :INPUTTAB(8);"Drive (0-3) ";drive$:CLS:UNTIL drive$ ="0" OR drive$ ="1" OR drive$ ="2" OR drive$ ="3":command$="DR."+drive$:PROCcommand:ENDPROC 761 REMDIBBL [0x0C] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x07] [0x00] [0x15] 1 770 DEFPROCcommand:$&900=command$:X%=0:Y%=9:CALL&FFF7:ENDPROC 780 DEFPROCscreen(title$):VDU26:CLS::PRINT" ";title$;" on drive ";drive$;" ":VDU28,0,24,39,1:PRINT:PRINT CHR$(129);:ENDPROC 820 DEFPROCspace:PRINT:PRINTTAB(5);"Press space to continue";:REPEAT:A$=GET$:UNTIL A$=" ":ENDPROC 860 DEFPROCverify:PROCflash(7):VDU28,0,21,30,20:PROCdrive:PROCscreen("Verifying"):PRINT:command$="VERIFY":PROCcommand:PROCspace:RUN:ENDPROC 910 DEFPROCdelete:PROCflash(11):VDU28,0,21,30,20:PROCdrive :VDU28,0,21,30,20:CLS:VDU26:CLS::FORK%=0TO23:PRINT"":NEXT:VDU28,3,23,39,0:PRINTTAB(7,1);"Deleting on drive ";drive$:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"Press 'Y' to delete a file":PRINT"Press 'N' not to delete a file":PRINT:PRINT"Press 'Escape to return to the menu" 1020 VDU28,3,23,39,9:command$="ENABLE":PROCcommand:command$="WIPE *.*":PROCcommand:PRINT:PRINT"Press space to continue":REPEAT:A$=GET$:UNTIL A$=" ":RUN:ENDPROC 1070 DEFPROClock :PROCflash(13):VDU28,0,21,30,20:PROCdrive :VDU28,0,21,30,20:PRINT:PRINTTAB(8)"Lock or Unlock ?";:REPEAT:locky$=GET$:UNTIL locky$="L" OR locky$="l" OR locky$="U" OR locky$="u":CLS:VDU26:PRINTTAB(7,13);"":VDU28,0,21,30,20 1210 IF locky$="L" OR locky$="l" THEN CLS:PRINT:PRINTTAB(8);"Locking ...";:command$="ACCESS *.* L":PROCcommand:CLS:GOTO110 1230 IF locky$="U" OR locky$="u" THEN CLS:PRINT:PRINTTAB(8);"Unlocking ...";:command$="ACCESS *.* ":PROCcommand:CLS:GOTO110 1240 ENDPROC 1250 DEFPROCos:VDU26:CLS:VDU23,1,1;0;0;0;:INPUT"*"command$ :PROCcommand:VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;:PROCspace :RUN:ENDPROC 1320 DEFPROCexit:*FX200,3 1340 *FX18 1350 VDU7:CALL !-4:ENDPROC 1380 DEFPROCbuild:PROCflash(15) :PROCdrive:PROCscreen("Building !BOOT"):PRINT:*FX200,0 1420 command$="OPT4,3":PROCcommand:command$="BUILD !Boot":VDU23,1,1;0;0;0;:PROCcommand:CLOSE#0:RUN:ENDPROC 1490 DEFPROCinfo:PROCflash(19):PROCdrive :PROCscreen("Info for files"):PRINT:VDU14:PRINT"Shift scrolls":PRINT:command$="INFO *.*":PROCcommand :VDU15:PROCspace:RUN:ENDPROC 1630 DEFPROCerror:ONERROR OFF 1650 CLOSE#0:*FX18 1670 *FX200,1 1680 VDU15:VDU3:VDU26:CLS:REPORT:PRINT" Press space.";:REPEAT:A$=GET$:UNTIL A$=" ":*FX200,0 1750 RUN:ENDPROC 1770 DEFPROCtitle:PROCflash(9):*FX200,0 1790 PROCdrive:CLS:PRINT:VDU23,1,1;0;0;0;:INPUT"Enter title:"title$:CLS :VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;:command$="TITLE "+title$ :PROCcommand:CLS:VDU26:PRINTTAB(7,9);"" :VDU28,0,21,30,20:GOTO110 :ENDPROC